Ways to Spread Spirit

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America needs cheerleaders now more than ever! During these uncertain times, it could be easy to become discouraged, and for the community’s connectivity to feel strained. Spirit can be shown with large intentional actions or in small daily gestures. Here are a few ways you can spread spirit in your community!

  • Create a BAND group chat for your team to keep in touch and support each other in your efforts to spread spirit— share ideas, organize efforts and encourage each other to continue to be leaders within the community
  • Share positive things on social media. It is easy for us to get overwhelmed with negative news. Break up your friends’ feeds by sharing a positive experience you recently had, a photo of your pet and of course your daily Varsity Spirit Virtual Spirit Week post! Using social media is a great way to let people know what you’re doing to spread spirit and encourage them to do the same.
  • Check in on the elderly and those who are immune-compromised. They may need someone to pick up groceries or prescriptions for them, help with yard work or any other task they may not be able to handle themselves right now.
  • Medical facilities are running low on protective gear, like masks and latex gloves, and are seeking donations. Reach out to businesses in your area that have temporarily closed their doors and provide them information on what, where and how they can donate any extra supplies they may have to hospitals. Examples of businesses who have these types of supplies are dental offices, tattoo shops and contractors.
  • Many students around the country rely on reduced or free lunches as their main source of food during the week. With schools being closed, these students may not have access to proper nutrition at home. Organize a food drive with your school and put together care packages for students who may need extra help during this time out of school.
  • Reach out to your grandparents or elderly neighbors. You may not be able to visit them right now, but making a phone call will be sure to put a smile on their face.

We are living in a strange time right now, but we encourage you to continue to spread positive vibes in your community—even if it needs to be virtual. Stay safe and stay healthy!

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