2025 General Information

Email Communication

Week of 3/10 (Registration Reminder, USASF Information, Travel Discounts) – HERE
Week of 3/17 (Division Confirmation) – HERE
Week of 3/24 (Payment Reminder, Ticket Linking) – HERE

The Summit Championship
May 1st- 4th, 2025, Walt Disney World Resort

The Summit, founded by Varsity All Star in 2013 provides a unique experience for athletes in the non-Worlds divisions to compete against the best of the best in all levels of competition across the globe. Our Championships continue to grow, offering multiple paths for Junior & Senior teams to have a competitive, prestigious and celebratory end to their season. We will continue to expand internationally by offering even more IASF divisions as introduced in 2018, allowing competitors from across the world to join us at this event. Varsity All Star is committed to once again producing an innovative, prestigious, competitive and unforgettable end of the year experience for all levels both domestically and internationally.

Corporate Partnerships

Summit Testimonials

"'For the first time, we had 3 teams win a bid to The Summit this year. Every single year that we attend has been more special. It brings the parents together, the coaches together & the athletes together. So It’s a major opportunity and experience for these kids that they will never forget. I can't wait to bring my teams back year after year and really give the athletes something to look forward to.'" Cherokee GreendeerGreen Bay Elite
"'Each time that we have gone to the Summit, we have stayed on property and it’s really great for the experience and team bonding of the athletes. When looking at the financial value and convenience – park hoppers, accommodations and transportation all being arranged for you, there’s no better way to do Disney.'" Jordan TranParent
"'I think the Summit is a really important competition. It gives teams an end goal and a focal point to look forward to all season. Under that pressure, kids learn, grow and improve. The Summit teaches them how to work hard and come together to accomplish something incredible.'" David LenglingChoreographer
"'With the Summit, if you put your mind to it and teach the proper techniques, a first year gym can come and be successful, anyone can be successful. Weather you have a large name or not, the Summit is opening the door for all teams in the industry to compete together and be the best.'" Kelly HolcombAtlanta Jayhawks
"'My favorite thing about the summit is my entire team gets the opportunity to travel and spend time together for the entire weekend. I love practicing on the football field with all of the teams around you and your parents can watch from above. The energy is crazy!'" Maddie JensanAthlete at Green Bay Elite
"'Summit not only helped me grow my program, but helped me grow as a coach. The practices and competitions leading up to the Summit weren’t always the easiest for us and seeing my teams persevere and finally reach their goals after years of working was very rewarding.'" Mandy HoodPython All Stars
"'Earning a Summit bid helps our gym gain exposure not just in the cheerleading industry, but to the community who may not know about all star. It’s an opportunity for us to get our name out there and grow our program on the national stage which helps bring more athletes into all star as a whole.'" Nick WilsonPremier Athletics - Nashville

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