The Varsity All Star Triple Crown Championship recognizes the accomplishments of the hard-working teams that compete at three of the largest Varsity All Star events this season. CHEERSPORT Nationals, NCA All-Star Nationals and UCA All Star National Championship are all renowned for providing an unmatched competitive experience. Teams can commit to take the challenge and work to claim a National Championship title at all 3 events, earning them the title of Triple Crown Champion. Will you take on the challenge this season?
Rules & Regulations
Teams registered to compete at all 3 Triple Crown events, CHEERSPORT Nationals, NCA All-Star Nationals & UCA All Star National Championship are eligible to compete for the title of Triple Crown Champion.
Rules & Regulations:
- Teams MUST compete at all three events in the SAME DIVISION to be eligible. Teams may not change divisions between D1 & D2, Coed & All Girl, size or for any other reason. Division changes will disqualify a team from being Triple Crown Eligible.
- Teams MUST receive first place at all 3 events. *Ties will be considered.
- Winners will be awarded the exclusive Varsity All Star Triple Crown Championship banner & medals at the UCA International All Star Championship.
- Level 4 and Level 4.2 are combined.
2024 Triple Crown Champions
- Cheer Extreme – Raleigh – Lovespell – L1 U16
- Cheer Extreme – Lady Lux – L6 International Open NT
- Cheer Extreme – Youth Elite – L5 Youth
- Cheer Extreme – COEX – L6 U18 Coed NT
- All 4 Cheer – Sirens – L4 Senior Coed