at Walt Disney World® Resort
We are proud to introduce the inaugural DI and DII National School Spirit Championships in 2026 at Walt Disney World® Resort. These two weekends will serve as the home of the UCA National High School Cheerleading Championship, UDA National Dance Team Championship and introduce the new National School Band Championship. The National School Spirit Championships (NSSC) are endorsed by the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) reflecting the values we share; healthy participation, achievement, and sportsmanship.
DII National School Spirit Championships: January 30th – February 1st, 2026
School size: 1-1399 students
DI National School Spirit Championships: February 6th – 8th, 2026
School Size: 1400+ students
The National School Spirit Championships (NSSC) will be the home of the most prestigious cheer and dance championships and introduce a new band championship. The two weekends will celebrate athleticism, unity, and tradition, with up to $75,000 in prizes and awards.
The National School Spirit Championships are endorsed by the NFHS and represent the values we share.
The National High School Cheerleading Championship is the pinnacle of competition for high school and junior high athletes across the country, serving as the most prestigious championship in cheerleading.
The National Dance Team Championship stands as the top competition in the nation for high school and junior high dancers showcasing school spirit and elite performances.
The National School Band Championship is the newest NSSC event. This Championship is the best opportunity to give your band the chance to shine in a standalone Pep Band Division and collaborate with your cheer or dance programs.
In addition to the standalone National High School Cheerleading Championship, National Dance Team Championship, and National School Band Championship, we will be introducing exciting new opportunities for all three spirit groups to compete together to represent their school.
Teams will still compete independently in the following divisions:
The sample block schedules below are estimated for illustration purposes only. The event schedule and length of each 2026 Championship will be announced following the 2025 Championships.
DI Sample Block Schedule
DII Sample Block Schedule
School Spirit is the heartbeat of communities; and at Varsity Spirit, it is the driving force behind our mission to transform the student and athlete experience. At schools nationwide, there are three groups with the power to transform their communities together through spirit — cheer, dance, and band.
The impact of school spirit is clear. 92% of school principals agree that school spirit is tied to student achievement.
Students with higher levels of school spirit are:
For more on the impact of school spirit, visit School Spirit Research (
The National School Spirit Championships allow your school’s cheer and dance teams, bands, and families to travel to Walt Disney World® Resort together to compete at the National High School Cheerleading Championship, National Dance Team Championship, and the new National School Band Championship, split between DI and DII.
For more information on how cheer, dance, and band members can compete together, see the Spirit Program Game Day section below.
Varsity Spirit’s focus on new ways for cheer, dance, and band to work together to create a cohesive spirit program within their schools and communities has always been at the forefront. While each group shines in their discipline, working together and celebrating each other creates the foundation of school spirit.
This mission has been exemplified at the UCA & UDA College Cheerleading and Dance Team National Championship since it began in 1983. Cheer and dance teams come together on one weekend to represent their school, compete at the highest level in their own activity, and support each other. In 2022 the introduction of the College Spirit Program Game Day Division provided a new opportunity for cheerleaders, dancers, and band members to work together to create a performance showcasing what makes them and their fans so proud to represent their universities—all on one weekend.
In 2026, we are excited to introduce this same vision at the National School Spirit Championships, giving cheer teams, dance teams, and bands the chance to shine individually and together. It is a celebration of everything that makes cheer, dance, and band such imperative groups on campus while highlighting what makes them unique.
The Spirit Program Game Day Divisions emphasize the collaboration and cohesion of your school’s spirit programs– cheer, dance and band– in an exciting new Game Day format that fosters school pride and emphasizes your school’s traditions in an entertaining and crowd effective performance. Your team will showcase the sights and sounds of your unique game day traditions while emphasizing the unification of your spirit program.
Click here for Spirit Program Division Guidelines.
Want to get the conversation started with your band? CLICK HERE.
For information about Varsity Spirit music guidelines, CLICK HERE.
The National School Spirit Championships will crown America’s most spirited schools through a NSSC points race. Winners will be named in Junior High and High School for both weekends in DI and DII. And, there’s even up to $75,000 in prizes and awards!
Schools will earn points based on their highest placement in each championship – NHSCC, NDTC, NSBC. Earn extra points by competing in the new Spirit Program Game Day Divisions.
Schools with the most points at the end of the weekend will be named the National School Spirit Champions and crowned America’s Most Spirited Schools. The higher you place, the more points you earn.
Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
The National School Spirit Championships will be split into two weekends based on school enrollment size.
High Schools will need to provide proof of enrollment each October.
A Junior High team must register for the same event as the largest high school the school feeds into based on school zoning.
Recreational cheer teams will follow the school they are affiliated with. If the Recreational cheer team is not affiliated with a school, the team would compete in the DII Championship weekend. If you have additional questions, please contact your State Director
*See each championship event site for individual event qualifications.
CLICK HERE to view the NSSC frequently asked questions.
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