Benefits of BAND

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Let’s Talk BAND!

Hey coach! Are you looking to improve communication with your team? BAND is the way to go when it comes to staying connected and organized throughout your season. 

BAND is a free, all-in-one group communication app that helps coaches communicate easily with their teams. Here are the Top 6 Reasons why BAND is the perfect tool for coaches!

1) Share your team calendar so everyone gets a reminder

Share team events on the BAND Calendar. That way, every parent and athlete gets a reminder for every game, competition, permission form, and payment due. They can RSVP to events like team banquets. You can also sync your Google or iCal Calendars with BAND.

2) Share practice videos

Help athletes work on their skills by sharing practice videos. You can post up to 10 videos per post, each up to 10 minutes long. You can also give feedback individually via Private Chat.

3) Come to consensus using the Poll feature

It can be difficult to decide on the next fundraiser idea or what type of food everyone wants on game day. Use the Poll feature to make quick and transparent decisions. You can also set up a Signup sheet afterwards to decide who’s bringing what.

4) Find important announcements easily

When using chat apps, it’s hard to find important announcements in the middle of chatters. With BAND, members can find important updates on the Community Board and have separate conversations in Chat rooms. Also, you can pin important messages to top as notices.

5) Know who has read your posts & hold members accountable

Communication is a two-way street. With BAND, you can see who has and has not read the messages you post in your group. This will ensure your messages are being received, and allow you to follow up with athletes that have not yet seen an important notification.

6) Organize and plan everything under one post

BAND allows you to attach / share multiple photos, videos, files, and schedules under one post. This comes in handy when planning a trip for away competitions. Give a run down of what competition day will look like by attaching permissions slips, the schedule for the day, the stadium map, and lodging information. Also, parents can ask questions under the same post and answer each other!

These are just a few out of many reasons why BAND is a great way to keep your season on the right track. Find out for yourself by creating your own BAND. Visit the BAND guide for more information and tips on how it works. Get ready for your best season yet with BAND!

By: Aisa Terry

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