Championship Experience Updates: Disney Safety

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Championship Experience Updates

Read Before You Register!

PARK RESERVATIONS – Disney Park Pass System

  • NEW: If you purchase a Magic Your Way Ticket with Park Hopper® Option from Varsity Spirit,
    you will be able to make a reservation for at least one of the theme parks. It is a possibility that
    some parks may reach capacity so we strongly recommend you register / pay early so you can
    get your tickets and book your reservations for your top choices. If the first park you would like
    to attend reaches capacity, you can make a reservation for another park and then “hop” to your
    top choice after 2 PM that day.
  • To help manage Park capacity, the Walt Disney World Resort has introduced the Disney Park Pass service, a new Theme Park reservation system. Once you register and pay in full, Varsity Spirit will send you a ticket order confirmation number in 7-10 business days and details on
    how to make your reservation
    , including how to create your account, make park reservations
    and how to use MagicMobile.
  • In order to make your Theme Park reservations, you will need a My Disney Experiences account
    and valid Theme Park admission linked to it. Then, simply log into your account and select the
    dates and Theme Parks you wish to visit. To enter a Theme Park, both a reservation and valid
    admission for the same Park on the same date are required. Please note that reservations are
    limited in capacity, subject to availability and are not guaranteed until confirmed.
  • Please note that NO changes/upgrades are possible after ticket orders have been placed. And
    remember, no Disney Park Hopper tickets will be sold on site during registration this year.


  • All athletes and coaches MUST complete a Release Waiver form and turn them in at registration
    at the hotel. Spectators are not required to turn in a Release Waiver.
  • All attendees are expected to consider whether a traveler is or will be fully vaccinated for
    COVID-19 before your trip dates. According to CDC guidance, persons should wait 2 weeks after
    completing vaccination for COVID-19 before traveling. Vaccination is not required and
    documentation of vaccination will not be collected by or provided to Disney or Varsity Spirit.
  • All attendees are expected to confirm that each traveler, not fully vaccinated, has a negative
    viral test taken no more than 1–3 days before travel. Test results will not be collected by or
    provided to Disney or Varsity Spirit. Any members of your group with confirmed positive test
    results cannot travel to the Walt Disney World Resort.
  • It is expected that all members of your group, not fully vaccinated, 14 days before travel, follow
    strict CDC guidelines, including physical distancing, wearing face coverings when not at home,
    avoiding unnecessary travel, and refrain from indoor social gatherings with people outside of
    their households, to reduce the exposure of COVID-19.
  • Before traveling to Florida, please make sure that you have reviewed any advisories or restrictions that may be in place for travel to Florida. Click here for information.
  • Stay home if you:
    • Are experiencing any of the following symptoms of COVID-19 identified by the CDC: Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, fever or chills, muscle pain or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, new onset of nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.
    • Have been in contact with someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 symptoms
      without completing a 14-day quarantine.
    • Are under any self-quarantine order.


  • NEW: Each team, regardless if you are staying on the hotel travel package or a commuter, will
    need to designate one person (other than the head coach) to be your Safety Champion. This
    person will need to be confirmed upon registration, over 18 years of age and willing to
    participate in additional safety training from the Walt Disney World Resort prior to the event.
    Each team is required to have a separate Safety Champion (Ex: If you bring two different teams
    from the same program, you need two different designated individuals.)
  • Some of the Safety Champion’s responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
    • Ensuring the athletes, coaches and spectators of your team follow the health and safety
      requirements such as face coverings indoors, etc.


  • Face coverings are required for all Guests (ages 2 and up) in all indoor locations, regardless of vaccination status. This includes upon entering and throughout all indoor venues, attractions and indoor queues and in Disney buses, monorail, any Championship tent and Disney Skyliner, regardless of vaccination status. This includes the athletes except when on the practice and performance floors. Face coverings are optional for Guests in outdoor areas. To learn more, please visit


  • At this time, there is no limit on spectator viewing but we will continue to monitor the situation.
    Spectators must wear face coverings while inside all venues and Championship tents and comply
    with Disney’s face covering policy.

Visiting the Walt Disney World Resort Theme Parks and Resort Hotels


Prior to traveling:

  • We expect you to consider whether a traveler is or will be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before your trip dates. According to CDC guidance, persons should wait 2 weeks after completing vaccination for COVID-19 before traveling. Vaccination is not required and
    documentation of vaccination will not be collected
    by or provided to Disney Imagination Campus
  • We expect you to confirm that each traveler, not fully vaccinated, has a negative viral test taken no more than 1-3 days before travel. Test results will not be collected by or provided to Disney Imagination Campus. You are required to prohibit any members of your group with confirmed positive test results from traveling to Walt Disney World Resort.
  • We expect that all members of your group, not fully
    , 14 days before travel, follow strict CDC
    guidelines, including physical distancing, wearing face
    coverings when not at home, avoiding unnecessary
    travel, and refrain from indoor social gatherings with
    people outside of their households, to reduce the
    exposure of COVID-19.

Stay home if you or other members of your party:

  • Are experiencing any of the following symptoms of COVID-10 identified by the CDC: Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, fever or chills, muscle pain or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, new onset of nausea, diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Have been in contact with someone with confirmed or
    suspected COVID-19 symptoms without completing a
    14-day quarantine.
  • Are under any self-quarantine order.


Parade Performance – Band (cohorts)

  • If non-vaccinated, a mask is required at all times when backstage
  • Masks are not required during performance for Band members (cohorts).
  • Performers must remain 6 ft from curb/guests at all times
    when performing on the parade route.

Stage Performance (cohorts)

  • If non-vaccinated, a mask is required at all times, including backstage.
  • Masks are not required during performance for performers

Workshops (cohorts)

  • Masks are required at all times while indoors pre/post
    workshop, for all.
  • Masks are required during workshop (dance, theatre, choral)
    for cohorts, unless actively playing musical instrument
    (instrumental); when not playing, masks should be on.

Please visit for the latest updates and details
related to face coverings.


  • The CDC recommends washing your hands with soap and
    water for a least 20 seconds.
  • If you cannot get to a handwashing station or a restroom,
    you can use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

These are necessary measures to make sure that you and your group can enjoy your time at the Walt Disney World Resort. What’s most important is that you are keeping yourself, your fellow travelers, friends and family healthy and safe. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place when people are present. You can also check disneyworld.disney, for the latest updates and details.

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