Our Commitment to Safety

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Our Commitment to Safety

Our commitment to the safety of today’s athletes—who will carry on this tradition—is fundamental to Varsity Spirit’s mission and the future of cheer and dance. Together, we will continue to champion safety and security to best protect the youth who participate in this sport.

Below are the protocols Varsity Spirit has in place as we keep athlete safety top of mind:

  • Require Varsity Spirit employees to complete the “Understanding, Recognizing and Reporting Maltreatment of Children” training, to identify signs of misconduct and abuse. Additionally, Varsity Spirit’s Athlete Safety Education program for all Varsity Spirit employees covers topics such as cyberbullying, hazing, human trafficking, and power imbalances.
  • Require annual background checks for Varsity Spirit staff and volunteers.
  • Established clear policies designed to protect participants at Varsity Spirit events, including camps.
  • Require USA Cheer Membership for all school coaches and adults registered with a team wishing to access the warmup area, backstage, or coaches’ box at school camps and competitions. To obtain USA Cheer Member status, individuals undergo a background check, complete athlete protection training and concussion awareness training, adhere to a member code of conduct, and they have the opportunity to complete safety and risk management courses.
  • Hired several pivotal figures – experts in their respective fields – whose responsibilities are to further enhance the company’s security and safety practices when participants are at a Varsity Spirit competition or camp. This includes an Associate General Counsel for Compliance, who also serves as Deputy Chief Compliance Officer, and engaging the expertise of several industry-leading external security consultants, including a former Director of the United States Secret Service (USSS) and a former Chief Security Officer at Bank of the West and 30-year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The team focuses on ensuring physical security and safety at Varsity Brands and Varsity Spirit events.
  • Formed two committees to lead the way in advancing safety initiatives across the organization. This strategic move includes the formation of a Varsity Brands board-level safety committee alongside a Participant Protection Committee.

Thank you for your continued support in keeping all athletes safe!


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