Your Inside Look: University of Central Oklahoma Dance Team

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Your Inside Look: University of Central Oklahoma Dance Team

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be on a college dance team? Here is an inside look at the University of Central Oklahoma Dance Team!

UCO pom has 23 members for the 2020-2021 season. We cheer at football and basketball games, attend fundraisers and events year-round, and compete at the UDA College Cheerleading and Dance Team Championship every January.

COMMUNITY: A major part of being a UCO pom member is being involved on campus and in the community. We go to parades, elementary schools, student engagement events, charity events and so much more. A team favorite during football season is morning assemblies! On Thursday mornings we can attend all the elementary schools in Edmond with the UCO football team. We eat breakfast with the students and watch their morning assembly. It allows us to inspire these kids and to be able to bring some happiness to their day!

GAMEDAY: Gameday is one of the best parts of being on a dance team! We are a key component of a fun atmosphere on game day! It gives us a chance to interact with our student body as well as cheer on our favorite team. We cheer at all home football and basketball games. My favorite game day tradition is the pre-game performance. Pom, cheer, band, and the twirlers all fill the football field and perform our fight song and our state song, Oklahoma! It is so fun to see all the fans stand and sing along with so much pride!

“My favorite part of game day is doing our sideline dances. I love getting the crowd involved and also using it as an opportunity to practice for nationals!” – Kayla Tinsley, 3rd-year vet

NATIONALS: Nationals is a huge part of being on UCO pom. From the moment our team is formed we are working on nationals. Whether it’s new tricks and skills, or learning choreography! At UDA college nationals we compete in open jazz and open game day. We spend months preparing for nationals season, but when December starts that is when we eat, breathe, sleep nationals. We practice every day of our Christmas break to make sure every detail is perfect when we step onto that stage in Florida. This year we are trying something different and we could not be more excited for what this year has in store!

“Leading up to nationals was so exciting for me because I had never experienced anything like it! After practicing with my team every day, I feel like we all got so much closer and I made some of my best friends. My favorite part about nationals was performing our game day routine because it was so much fun and we really got to represent UCO!” – Emily Pickett, 2nd-year vet

UCO pom cannot wait to share our season with you! ROLL CHOS!

– UDA Peyton

(Follow @ucobronchopom on Instagram to stay up to date with us!)

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