About the Varsity Spirit Spectacular

Eligible Participants: Varsity Captains, Co-Captains, Officers and Seniors

Year in School: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

Location: Orlando, FL

Trip Dates: November 21-24, 2025

🗓️ Event Itinerary

PLEASE NOTE: This itinerary is subject to change. A final, more detialed itinerary will be emailed to all registered attendees closer to the event date. 

There is limited capactiy for this event. Registration will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Deposts must be paid in order to be confirmed. 

Walt Disney World Theme park ticket orders will be avialble in August. Please see the Walt Disney World Park Reservations section for information about making Park Reservations.

Friday, November 21, 2025: ARRIVE in Orlando, Florida!

  • Arrival and Regitration at Disneys Coronado Springs Resort
  • Hotel Check-in
  • Optional Parade Placement Tryout
  • Mandatory Orientation and Rehearsal

*When making flight reservations we suggest arriving at Coronado Springs Resort no later than 3:30 PM on Friday, November 21. If flying, we recommend you land at Orlando International Airport (MCO) by 2:00 PM. You may fly back anytime on Monday November 24th after 12:00 PM. 

PLEASE NOTE: Travel arrangements to Orlando and airport transfers are NOT INCLUDED in the cost of the performance package.

Saturday, November 22, 2025: Rehearsal Day and Team Mickey Performance!

  • Rehearsal for both Team Mickey and Team Minnie at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort.
  • After rehearsal, Team Mickey will depart the hotel for Magic Kingdom where they will perform
  • After rehearsal, Team Minnie has a free day to visit hte Theme parks. Remember a Park Pass Reservation is required

Sunday, November 23, 2025: Team Minnie Performance!

  • Team Minnie will depart Coronado Springs Resort for their performance at Magic Kingdom
  • Team Mickey has a free day to visit hte Theme parks. Remember a Park Pass Reservation is required

Monday, November 24, 2025: Closing Event Breakfast!

  • Enjoy a breakfast celebration at Disney’s Coronado Springs
  • Depart home from Orlando
  • In order ot attend the celebration breakfast, flights should be booked to leave MCO after 12:00 PM

***Attendees will perform one time. Performance groups will be assigned once all registrations are received in August

Please note: One (1) chaperone 21 years or older is required per three (3) participants.

📝 Important Forms

Coming Soon for 2025

🏷️ Tour Package Pricing

Coming Soon for 2025. 

View the 2024 tour package pricing here.

🧾 Event Registration

Coming Soon for 2025.

✈️ Travel Planning

Walt Disney World no longer operates the Disney Magic Express. Attendees will be responsible for thier roundtrip transportation from the Orlando International Airport (MCO) to the resorts. We have partnered with MEARS to provide a guest discount off of transportation to and from the airport!

👕Uniform Information

Includes top and skirt for females and top and shorts for males. All participants will need to bring white tennis shoes and white socks. Uniforms will be shipped two weeks prior to the event.

CLICK HERE to view the event uniform sizing guide.

Not sure what size to order? Watch our Uniform Measurement Guide to find out:

<a class="ProsemirrorEditor-link" href="https://youtu.be/hM_yvJbe9pw


🏰 Walt Disney World® Park Reservations

To help manage park capacity, the Walt Disney World Resort has introduced the Disney Park Pass service, a new Theme Park reservation system. In order to make your Theme Park reservations, you will need a My Disney Experiences account and valid Theme Park admission linked to it. Varsity Spirit will send you a ticket confrimation number in late August for all customers paid in full. Then, simply create a My Disney Experience account and select the dates and Theme Parks you wish to visit. To enter a Theme Park, both a reservation and valid admission for the same Park on the same dateare required. Please note that reservations are limited in capacity, subject to availablity and are not guaranteed until confirmed. If the first park you would like to attend reaches capacity, you can make a reservation for another park and then “hop” to your choice after 2PM that day. Park availabilty is very limited and Varisty Spirit will not be able to assist with park reservations. 

For those spectators and participants on our hotel travel package and those who purchased a Walt Disney World Park Hopper pass from Varsity Spirit, a park reservation for Magic Kingdom will be pre-loaded on to your ticket for the day of your All-Americab’s performance.

IMPORTANT NOTE WHEN PURCHASING THEME PARK TICKETS: The reselling or the transferring of theme park tickets in the state of Florida is a crime as described under Florida state laws; Florida Statutes s. 817.361 and Florida Statutes s. 817.36

Park Reservation How-To Resources:

*Please note that NO changes/upgrades are possible after ticket orders have been placed. And remember, no Disney Park Hopper tickets will be sold on site during registration this year.

❔ Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much spending money should I bring with me
A: That’s up to you. You will will only need money for meal snot inlcuded in the package and miscellaneous items such as snacks and souvenirs.
Q: How often will I receieve updates?
A:We try to communicate regularly with all attendees. Most of the communication iwll come thorugh email or our BAND Group. If you are not receiving emails or have additional email addresses you’d like added to our distribution list, email John Calitri at jcalitri@varsity.com 
Q: My coach is coming to Florida as a spectatpr. Can he/she attend practice? Can my parents?
A: In order to eliminate all distractions our rehearsals are closed to all spectators. This will allow us to streamline the practices that will in turn allow for more time in the parks.
Q: What happens if I get injured or becoming ill during the event?
A: We will have first aid staff on duty throughout the event. Additoinal medical treatment is at the expense of the participant.
Q: When do we need to arrive to Orlando?
A: Normal arrival day is Friday November 21st. We do offer a limited number of extra nights on Thursday November 20th for those requesting an early arrival. We suggest arriving at the resort no later than 2:00 PM on Friday. (12:00 PM arrival to the Orlando International Airport  MCO). This will allow plenty of time fo ryout ot get to the hotel, register and be ready for rehearsal that evening. It will allow for any potential flight delays due to weather.
Q: Do we have to follow the group itinerary when it comes to visiting the theme parks each day?
A: No, unless it is your performance day. You must follow the group itinerary for your performance times. Other days you do not have to follow the group itinerary.
Q: We missed our deadline for registrtaion and depost…Are we too late?
A: Please call our Customer Service at 844-399-0644 for availability.
Q: How do I know what size uniform to order?
A: Watch this short video with instructions on how to properly measure your uniform. Please note: Your current Varsity Uniform will more than likely be a different fit that the uniform we use for Special Events

Q: My perfomrer already has a uniform from a 2024 Varsity Spirit Spectacular. Is the uniform the same and do we get a discount?
A: The unifomr from the 2024 Varsity Spirit Spectacular will be the same as the 2025 event. If your performer already has the uniform from the 2024 Varsity Spirit Spectacular, please indicate this on your uniform sheet and you may deduct $40 from your cost.
Q: What is the difference between the Specator and Participant pricing?
A: The uniform, performer bag, choreography materials, and the parade opportunity are the differences. Everythign that is listed as INCLUDED in the tour package is avaialble to everyone.
Q:Are there advantages to staying in Coronado Springs Resort™?
A: Yes, in addition to the conveniece of the Varsity check in, orientation and rehearsal being at the Coronado Springs Resort™ Disney provides transportation to all of th eWalt Disney World Theme Parks from the resort. Attendees staying throught the Varsity Package will also receive complimentarty parking at the Coronado Springs Resort.
Q: Are we able to pay for th Disney Dining Plan?
A: Unfortunately, we cannot offer the Disney Dining Plan because of the gorup discount.
Q: What does “Magic Your Way Ticket with Park Hopper® Option” mean?
A: A Magic Your Way Ticket with Park Hopper Option enables you to visit more than one park in a day. If you purchase a Magic Your Way Ticket with Park Hopper Option from Varisty Spirit , you will be able to make a reservation for at least on of gthe them parks. It is a possibility that some parks reach capacity so we strongly recommend you register / pay early so you can get your tickets and book your reservation for your top choices. If the first park you would like to attend reaches capacity, you can make a reservation for another park and then “hop” to your top choice after 2:00 PM that day.
Q: When will we receive our Magic Your Way Ticket with Park Hopper® Option for the event?
A: You must have a reservation to attend a Walt Disney World park in. Once your registration is compelte and paid in full, your tickets will be ordered through Disney and approximately 7-10 business days later a ticket confirmation order number will be sent you. No changes will be accepted after ticket orders have been placed. (Including upgrades). It is a posssibilty that parks will reach capacity so we strongly suggest you register / play early so you can get your tickets and book your reservations for your top theme park choices. Please note, tickets will be available in late August to those who have paid in full.
Q: What is a Park Reservation?
A: Please read throught the “Walt Disney World Park Reservations” section of this event page! Here you will find informatoin on the theme park reservations: how to make them and other information Walt Disney World Resort information.

Q: If we do not use all the days on our Walt Disney World Resort Magic: Your Way 

📰 Press Release

Click here to view the 2024 Press Release.

💲 Fundraising

Click here to learn more about Varsity Spirit Fundrasing Partners.

Experience the Magic