Required Forms & FAQs

2025 Camp Rules

Home Routines

Teams who attend may choose to perform a Home Routine. Home Routines are evaluated by the UDA Staff, and will be awarded in placement of performance execution and showmanship. Teams with 5 or more dancers that receive a trophy for their Home Routine will qualify for the National Dance Team Championship.

Terms & Conditions for Camps/Clinics

USA Cheer Membership - Dance

Varsity Spirit DANCE Camps:

All adults attending an overnight camp in an official capacity with the team, participating at camp and/or serving in a supervisory capacity of the team must have a USA Cheer Membership. This typically includes coaches, choreographers and chaperones.  The Dance, Cheer Coach, STUNT Coach or Professional Membership is acceptable.  Membership is strongly recommended for all other coaches and team personnel that attend home camps, day camps and clinics.

Varsity Spirit will cover the membership fee for all registered coaches and team personnel who attend a Varsity Spirit camp lasting two or more days. Coaches must complete their membership requirements before their camp.

More information, along with a redemption code for 2023 summer camps and when the membership renewal / sign-up will open, will be provided in Spring 2023.

Get Membership

UDA Camps FAQs

If you have a question that is not addressed below, give us a call at 1-800-DANCEUDA.

How do I register my team for UDA Summer Camp?
Registering your team for UDA Summer Camp is easy.  To find an overnight camp, you can use our online camp search.  It will pull up all of the locations and dates of overnight camps in your area.  You can also call your UDA State Director, and she can register your team for camp.  And you can always give the national office a call at 1-800-DANCEUDA.

When is the deadline to register for camp? 
We will take registrations as long as we have room available at the camps. However, there are some guidelines for Resort camps that are different. We suggest that teams register as soon as possible as we have many camps that fill up quickly!

What is an overnight camp?  And do you offer other types of camps?
An overnight camp is a camp where your team travels to a university and participates in our camp program with other teams.  The cost of an overnight camp includes instruction, most meals, and lodging.  We definitely offer other types of camps if your team does not want to stay on a college campus.  Learn about our different types of camps.

My team is attending an overnight camp for instruction only. I see that you have a 3-night sample schedule for overnight camps and also schedules for day camps.  Which one do I follow?
If your team is attending an overnight camp but plans to only stay during the day for instruction, you will follow the overnight sample schedule.  Day camps are camps that are usually held at a high school or community location, and everyone attending that camp returns home at night.  At overnight camps UDA provides the option of staying overnight or commuting each day for instruction only.

I originally registered 20 participants for camp, and now only 13 of them can attend.  What should I do?
Contact your UDA State Director or the UDA National Office IMMEDIATELY!  Always keep UDA informed of any number changes you have.  We can then email or fax you an updated invoice reflecting your changes. There may be a cancellation fee, depending on when you make your changes.

Can I pay online?  Or can I pay over the phone with a credit card?
Definitely! You can pay online by logging into your account and go to My Camp Registrations. From here click Invoice/Payments then Credit Card. Or, just call 1-800-DANCEUDA to pay. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.

Can I pay my balance due when I arrive on the first day of camp?
UDA highly suggests not turning in your payment at camp.  Our camp management travels from camp to camp all during the summer.  The BEST thing to do is to send all payments to our national office PRIOR to the start of camp or pay by credit card online, If you pay late, please take a copy of payment with you to camp. View our mailing address.

Do you accept Purchase Orders (PO’s)?
UDA does accept purchase orders from schools.  However, we must have a hard copy (fax is ok) of the purchase order with the appropriate signatures (i.e. principal/athletic director) in order for it to be valid.   Please note that you will continue to receive emails, phone calls, and letters until the Purchase Order has been paid.

I just received an invoice showing a cancellation fee.  What is this for?
If you have a team member that decides not to attend camp their $100 deposit will be held as a cancellation fee.  This is not an extra $50 charge on top of your payment.  If your cancellation fee is larger, refer to the payment policy HERE.

I have a credit on my account.  How do I get that money back?
You must request your refund in writing.  Click Here for our Payment & refund policies HERE.

Can my team attend camp without an advisor?
An adult at least 21 years of age is required to attend the event in its entirety.

Where can I find out details about my camp, i.e. dorms, facilities, directions?
You may visit your MY Camp Registrations page on line. Here you can click Event Paperwork and get all the information pertaining to your camp. Be sure to always check back, usually one week prior to camp is when all information is final. A final email will be sent to you one week prior to camp with all the pertinent information.

Do I mail my release and waiver forms in to your office or do I bring them with me to camp?
No, always turn your release and waiver forms in at registration on the first day of camp.

What is the schedule like for camp?  What time does it exactly start and when is it over?
You can view sample camp schedules on our site.  You will receive a more detailed schedule with exact times and locations when you arrive at check-in.  If times change any, it will be very minimal.

Home Routines:

Is my team required to wear matching outfits while at camp?
Your team is not required to wear matching camp outfits.  However, many teams choose to wear matching camp outfits because it makes them feel more like a team.  It could also help you to easily pick them out of a crowd.  To purchase camp clothes, contact your Varsity Spirit Fashion Representative.

Do coaches/advisors receive any material at camp?
Yes! Each registered coach/advisor will receive a tote bag, coach/advisor manual, routine notebook, and one download code for the UDA Summer Camp  Music.

Can individuals, who are not part of a team, attend your summer camps?
Yes! Individuals who are not a part of a team, are more than welcome to attend our summer camp.  However, it is important to note that many of our activities are team centered.

I have participants on my team that have severe food allergies.  What should I do and/or who should I contact?
You will definitely want to list those allergies on the participant release and waiver form.  If the allergies are very severe, contact the UDA National Office so that the University Relations Manager can be notified.

What awards are offered at UDA Camp?
At our overnight camps, the following awards are offered:  home routine placement trophies, superior trophies, team full-out award, team drill down trophy, team leadership award, 110% award, super spirit sticks, spirit sticks, UDA All-Americans, drill down queen, and coaches leadership award.

I was awarded UDA All-American at camp, but I did not receive a medal or special event brochure.  What should I do?
If you filled out your contact information at camp after the awards ceremony, a medal and brochure will be coming to you soon.  If not, email us your request.

How do we qualify for NDTC?

1. Receiving a home routine trophy at UDA camp with 5 or more dancers in attendance.

2. Receiving a Superior Trophy at UDA camp with 5 or more dancers in attendance.

3. Receiving a trophy at a UDA Fall Competition if the team attended a camp with 5 or more participants.

What are the UDA Camp prohibited items?

Varsity Spirit has the right to prohibit and items that are deemed unacceptable and a potential safety hazard or security concerns.

  • No weapons
  • No firearms or ammunition
  • No narcotics or drugs (except prescription)
  • No outside alcoholic beverages allowed
  • No obscene or indecent clothing
  • No tripods (except approved media/pass members)
  • No camera lenses over 70mm
  • No drones
  • No pets (except service animals)
  • No whistles
  • No air horns
  • No laser pointers or laser sights
  • No explosives or fireworks
  • No cigarettes or vaping