Required Forms & FAQs

Camp FAQs

What do you do if you can’t get in touch with your Varsity Rep?

Contact your USA State Director

What do I need to bring with me to registration on the first day of camp?

  • Release and Waiver Forms for each participant and coach. Please confirm the insurance section is filled out correctly and the form is signed by a parent/guardian.
  • Copy of your method of payment. Ex: Purchase Order, School Check, etc.
  • Copy of your zero balance invoice, and/or be able to log into My Camp Registrations on

What is the Camp Theme and what should we wear?

USA Spirit Rally Theme: We go TOGETHER! (Premier, Express, Elite, Your Way and Camp of Champs — UT, AZ): 

  • “Together” is the word at this summer’s rally night! Time travel back to the 50’s in leather jackets and poodle skirts or get together with a teammate to dress up as a famous pair.

(Showtime and Camp of Champs – CA)

  • GLOW all out in your class color for an unforgettable night of games, performances, and surprises. Who will be the TOP class this summer? No one does final night of camp quite like USA!

Class Colors:

  • SENIORS class of 2025 – Pink
  • JUNIORS class of 2026 – Blue
  • SOPHOMORES class of 2027 – Green
  • FRESHMEN class of 2028 – Orange

DANCE (All Dance Only Camps):

Start Day 2 TOGETHER and dress as a famous pair or trio with members of your team.

SONG/POM (All Premier, Express, Elite, Your Way and Camp of Champs – UT, AZ)

  • “Together” is the word at this summer’s rally night! Time travel back to the 50’s in leather jackets and poodle skirts or get together with a teammate to dress up as a famous pair.

SONG/POM & DANCE (Showtime Dance Camps and Camp of Champs — CA):

  • Glow all out in your class color for an unforgettable night of games, performances, and surprises

Class Colors: Seniors c/o 2026 – Pink

Juniors c/o 2027 – Blue

Sophomores c/o 2028 – Green

Freshmen c/o 2029 – Orange

What should we bring to camp?

  • St. Jude Letters or addresses for St. Jude Letters. As a part of our NFHS Squad Credentialing program, each athlete should complete two St. Jude letters.
  • Music device/portable speaker.
  • Spirit Raising Props (signs, poms, megaphones, flags, etc.) for game day classes & evaluations.
  • Your school’s traditional fight song and/or a home routine (optional) for an evaluation/showcase on night one of camp.
  • Dress up attire for the final night of camp.

What is the process for All-American Tryouts?

Check out everything you need to know about the USA All-American Process by clicking here.

What do we do with our St. Jude Letters?

If your team has already ordered and filled out St. Jude Letters, bring them to camp! If your team has not already filled out St. Jude letters, please have each athlete bring two (2) addresses to camp. Remember that each athlete is required to fill out two (2) St. Jude letters for the NFHS Squad Credentialing program.

What’s new at USA Camp?

When is my camp bill due?

Go to My Camp Registrations to see your invoice with balance due dates.

Camp Payment & Registration Cancellation Policies


Following is the USA Camp Payment and Registration Cancellation policies.  Please make sure to secure your camp registration by submitting your camp payments on time.  If you have any questions regarding the policies, please contact your State Director or the USA Registration Team at 800-886-4872.

DEPOSIT DUE – 60 Days Prior to Camp Start Date

Acceptable forms of payment are School Check, Purchase Order, Money Order, Cashier’s   Check, or Credit  Card.  We do not accept organization or personal checks or check   payments from individual squad members.

To pay with credit card – log into and access your school’s camp registrations.

For individuals to pay with credit card – provide the following link to your participants.  Please note that your participants will need the registration number from their squad’s camp registration.

To pay with Purchase Order – either fax it to 866-761-9365 or email to

To pay with school check, money order, or cashier’s check – make check payable to United Spirit Association or USA and mail to:

United Spirit Association
5770 Warland Drive, Suite B
Cypress, CA  90630

BALANCE DUE – 45 Days Prior to Camp Start Date



45 Days Prior to Camp Start Date 

Registrations without payment (check, credit card, or purchase order) will be put on hold pending payment.  Once payment has been received the registration will be reinstated as long as there is still space available at the camp.

30 Days Prior to Camp Start Date 

Registrations on hold pending payment will be cancelled if payment has not been received.

Once a registration is cancelled, it will only be reinstated once payment in full has been received and as long as there is still space available at the camp.  Once a registration has been cancelled, reinstatement is not guaranteed once payment is received.

Please note the above does not apply to participant/non participant number changes on a camp registration.  Please make sure to check the Camp Terms and Conditions regarding cancellation fees for changes to camp attendee numbers.

Camp and Clinic Terms and Conditions can be viewed HERE!

NFHS Squad Credentialing FAQs

As the partner in building strong school spirit programs, the squad credentialing program has been developed in conjunction with the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). Our history with the NFHS has spanned more than thirty-five years, and we share the same values. The Varsity Spirit/NFHS Squad Credentialing program is taught at camp every summer and focuses on the importance of safety, leadership, and the five key pillars of a successful spirit program: Ambassador, Athlete, Entertainer, Spirit Raiser, and Crowd Leader.


  • Check out the importance and details of NFHS Squad Credentialing HERE

USA Cheer Membership Required at Camp - Cheer & Dance

Varsity Spirit CHEER Camps:

All adults attending an overnight camp in an official capacity with the team, participating at camp and/or serving in a supervisory capacity of the team must have a USA Cheer Membership. This typically includes coaches, choreographers and chaperones.  The Cheer Coach Membership is recommended, but either the Cheer Coach, STUNT Coach or Professional Membership satisfies this requirement.  Membership is strongly recommended for all other coaches and team personnel that attend home camps, day camps and clinics.

Varsity Spirit DANCE Camps:

All adults attending an overnight camp in an official capacity with the team, participating at camp and/or serving in a supervisory capacity of the team must have a USA Cheer Membership. This typically includes coaches, choreographers and chaperones.  The Dance, Cheer Coach, STUNT Coach or Professional Membership is acceptable.  Membership is strongly recommended for all other coaches and team personnel that attend home camps, day camps and clinics.

Membership – USA Cheer

Varsity Spirit will cover the membership fee for all registered coaches and team personnel who attend a Varsity Spirit camp lasting two or more days. Coaches must complete their membership requirements before their camp.

Digital Waivers

Find our Varsity Spirit Digitial Waivers HERE!

Camp Rules (MUST READ)

Camp Rules:

Release Form

Release and Waiver Form are now done digitally.  Coaches/Advisors will provide a link to all participants to complete the waiver on line. This does not apply to those registered as individuals for camps and clinics.

Click HERE for the Accident Insurance Policy. Varsity Spirit offers an accident policy to registered camp participants at most overnight camps.  Not offered at home camps, day camps, or clinics.

Hide Section - Mapping Criteria

What to Bring to Camp


  • St. Jude Letters or addresses for St. Jude Letters.  As a part of our NFHS Squad Credentialing program, each athlete should complete two St. Jude letters
  • Music device/portable speaker
  • Home routine for Showtime USA (Dance Camps – optional)
  • Spirit Raising Props: signs, poms, megaphones, flags, etc. for Game Day Classes & Evaluations (Spirit Camps)
  • Your school’s traditional fight song and/or a home routine (Spirit Camps – optional)
  • Dress up attire for the final night of camp! (Spirit Camp, Showtime Camp & Performance Dance Camps Only – See information for your specific camp type on myVarsity portal).  


  • Toiletries
  • Sunscreen and Bug Spray (Some Resort Locations may have classes outdoors).
  • Water bottle
  • Healthy Snacks & Water
  • Notebook and pen/pencil
  • Money to use at the Varsity Spirit Shop (optional)
  • Camp wear/uniform for each day of camp
  • Shoes and attire for both outdoor and indoor facilities
  • Hair accessories (bows, ribbons, hair ties)
  • Activity equipment (poms, mascot costume, etc.)
  • Mace or Military Baton, Gloves, and Whistle (Drum Major Camps Only)

In addition to the above items, those attending a camp at a University location should also pack the following:

  • Bedding & Towels
  • Shower Shoes
  • Pop Ups & Folding Chairs (optional)