Varsity Spirit Special Events & All-American Performance at USA Spirit Nationals.
Those selected as an All American at a 2021 USA Summer Camp are invited to participate in Varsity Spirit Special Events and the 13th annual All-American Performance that will take place at the 2022 USA Spirit Nationals weekend in Anaheim, CA.
All-American Tryouts
Spirit Program (Cheerleaders, Mascot, Song/Pom, Pep Flag)
Who can try out for All American?
- All Varsity team members are eligible to tryout to for All-American.
- Cheer Program – 6 members from Freshman/JV Teams may tryout. (Chaperone required for Freshman attending Rome Tour).
- Song/Pom & Pep Flag Programs – 4 members from Freshman/JV teams may tryout.
- Mascots can tryout under either cheer or song (In Rome, mascots will perform either the cheer or song/pom routine)
- Male and female athletes can tryout.
What skills do you perform during the tryout?
- Tryout requires campers to perform material learned at camp and a specialty skill.
- Cheer Program – specialty skills can be a jump or tumbling.
- Song/Pom Program – specialty skills can be any technical skill(s) (kicks, turns, leaps, etc.)
- Pep Flag Program – specialty skills can be any trick, twirl and/or toss.
- Mascots are not required to perform a specialty skill.
When and Where Are All-American Tryouts?
- Tryouts will take place on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th day of camp, depending on the camp type.
- Your Head Instructor will inform everyone the exact time and location of tryouts.
- Wearing your uniform is optional.
How Many Athletes Do You Try Out With?
- In groups of 5 or more, depending on the size of the camp.
Dance Program
Who can try out for All-American?
- All Dancers who have received a SuperSensational ribbon from their Routine A, B, C and/or Choreography To Go sessions are eligible to audition for All-American.
- Dancers are recognized with ribbons for their effort, attitude, and performance in routine classes.
What skills do you perform during the tryout?
- SuperSensational ribbon recipients will perform the USA Camp Dance.
- Selected semifinalists perform an across-the-floor combination to showcase their technical abilities.
- These semifinalists are recognized as All-Americans.
When and Where Are All-American Tryouts?
- All American auditions take place on Day 4 during Closing Ceremonies.
How Many Dancers Do You Try Out With?
- All dancers who received SuperSensational ribbons in their routines will perform the USA Camp Dance in large groups for All-American selection.
Band Program
- USA All-American drum majors will be selected based on their exceptional level of technical ability as well as their professionalism and maturity they have displayed throughout camp.
- For their amazing efforts during their time at USA Drum Major Camp, they will be offered a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
- These drum majors will be given the opportunity to travel internationally with Varsity Spirit, to one of the most beautiful and historically rich cities in the world, Rome, Italy!
- Not only will these drum majors represent the USA as a company, but the USA as a country!
2022 USA All-American Performance
Performance Information
Those selected as an All American at a 2021 USA Summer Camp are invited to participate in the 13th annual All-American Performance that will take place at the 2022 USA Spirit Nationals weekend in Anaheim, CA.
DATE: February 26-27, 2022
LOCATION: Anaheim Convention Center – Anaheim, CA
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? 2021 USA All-Americans (Junior High and High School)
PROGRAM TYPE: Cheer, Mascot, Song-Pom, Pep Flag, Dance and Drum Major
REHEARSAL & PERFORMANCE: There will be a mandatory rehearsal the evening of Saturday, February 26th. The performance will take place on Sunday, February 27th. The performance time will be decided closer to nationals.
PERFORMANCE REGISTRATION & DETAILS: In December, an email about performance registration will be sent to those that have registered as a 2021 USA All-American (signed up to receive their USA All-American patch and certificate). The email will provide more details including the registration fee. Registration fee will include an All-American t-shirt to be worn at rehearsal, practice time with staff, and performance.
MATERIAL: Material for the performance will be emailed out to participants in advance.
PERFORMANCE ATTIRE: All-Americans will wear their school uniform for the performance.
COMPETING AT SPIRIT NATIONALS: Participation in the All-American performance is voluntary. We will do our best to accommodate participants that are on teams that are competing at USA Spirit Nationals, but we cannot guarantee this. It is the responsibility of the participant to communicate/discuss participation with their advisor/coach in advance.